When funds are made available through grants or donations, Silver Lining Riding will offer scholarships to its clients with financial limitations or in accordance with the grantor’s parameters. Scholarships are offered for up to 75% of one session’s rider fees.
Clients may apply for scholarships by completing an application which will be evaluated by the Board of Directors once a quarter. Applications are stripped of any identifying information in order to keep the rider’s information confidential and anonymous during the evaluation process. COMPLETION OF AN APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT A SCHOLARSHIP WILL BE AWARDED.
Successful applicants will receive a notice of their award electronically and/or by regular postal mail. Awards are made only for future sessions and cannot be applied to the current session’s rider fees or past due balances.
In order to qualify for a scholarship, the applicant’s account must be in good standing (i.e., no past due balances at the time of the award), and the applicant cannot have previously received more than one scholarship in the current ride year. No more than two scholarships will be awarded to the same household.
Scholarship recipients are expected to attend their lessons. Recipients having more than two unexcused absences will forfeit the remainder of their scholarship funds and will not be eligible for scholarships in the future. Please direct all questions to info@silverliningriding.org
Silver Lining Riding is currently accepting applications for the 2024 ride year. Please click the button below to download and complete an application.